The route rates me, not the other way around - Greeting card

When climbing up a rock wall, nothing beats skill, judgment and enormous amounts of mind and muscle tension. Blood often marks a climbing route. Mountaineering equals slow walking uphill that stresses your arms, legs and mind with constant concentration. One mistake and the law of gravity enforces itself upon your body. It's generally known that you cannot buy 5.12. As Andy Cairn says, "The route rates me, not the other way around." In the midst of clinging to a rock cliff, your mind answers a few questions, offers a few answers and it responds to the task before it. You climb at "satori" or the "perfect speed." Not fast, not slow, but total concentration and living in the exact second of your existence on that wall. You feel alive beyond the normal sports competitions. You live on the edge of gravity's power and your own balance to move upward toward the top. Once "there", your exhilaration cannot be duplicated by a round of Frisbee or checkers. Onward to El Capitan.
Rock climbing in Sperlonga, Italy © 2012 Frosty Wooldridge

Rock climbing in Sperlonga, Italy © 2012 Frosty Wooldridge

Deric Skinner navigating a rock wall in Sperlonga, Italy. His feet fit into every hold on the route. He places every piton into every spot to ensure his safety. He applies all his energies to reach the top.